
Logotype Construction
Note: The black logo will be used only in situations where color is not available. It should never be used digitally.
Blue (X+Y) indicates overall proportions for the logotype and logomark. The blue area must be kept free of all other graphical elements.
Blue (Z) indicates proportions. Height of “SOLUTIONS” is equal to half the baseline of the word “WORKING.”
Magenta indicates various item alignments and intersects. For example, the long arrow dissects the word “WORKING.”
The registered trademark ® is always appended to the upper right of the logotype.
Logotype Lockup
The grey-stripped area indicates safe zone. Other graphical and visual elements can be safely positioned up to the adjoining blue area.
Blue indicates clear space. The blue area must be kept free of all other graphical and visual elements.
The minimum required clear space is defined by the measurement “X”, which is equal to the height of the uppercase letters, also known as the cap height. The width, or “Y”, is equal to the height of “X”.
Logotype Usage
The Working Solutions corporate logo represents our company, employees, agents and brand.
The logo is a valuable corporate asset. It should be used consistently in the approved forms. It is considered a piece of artwork. The proportion and arrangement of the logotype and integrated icon are carefully determined.
Always use the full-color Working Solutions logo to introduce our brand on any communication.
If you have any questions regarding the use of our logo, please consult the design team at design@workingsol.com.
Incorrect Logotype Usage
Please don’t use the logo outside acceptable configurations. The Marketing team can help you if you have questions.
Things to Remember
- Don’t stretch the logotype.
- Always hold the shift key when modifying the size.
- Don’t change the logotype’s color.
- Don’t outline the logotype.
- Don’t use a different font for part of the logo.
- Don’t use the logotype on busy backgrounds.