Voice, Tone, and Style

Voice is our point of view, who we are. Depending on the topic, our voice can be formal, informative, or casual. Our voice is professional, informative, clear, and direct.
Tone is how we say it. We are approachable, conversational, and always respectful.
Style is how we engage, being open, inviting, and positive.
- Professional – Respectful and well-spoken. (Example: We are pleased to offer you employment.)
- Informative – We are a trusted resource. (Example: (Question) What does this mean for your business? (Answer) It will keep a close eye on travel trends and insights, staff accordingly and ensure you have the right people for the job).
- Clear – We say what we mean. (Example: One of the biggest trends this year is reducing what is spent on technology while improving the customer experience (CX).)
- Direct – Minimal words for maximum impact. (Example: Positive interactions build trust and brand integrity.)
- Approachable – We know our audience. (Example: As CX specialists, it’s crucial to the success of your business to stay on top of trends.)
- Conversational – We communicate effectively yet speak in a way that’s easy to understand. (Example: Learn new insights to keep your teams on the right track and your brand in the spotlight.)
- Respectful – We are always speaking to a potential partner, client or customer. (Adjusting quickly to new paradigms keeps you moving down the road to success.)
- We are positive – Negative words create negative opinions, and that’s not our way.
- We are active – We use active voice when we craft language.
- We are grammatically correct – We avoid slang, unnecessary abbreviations, industry jargon and anything a broad audience would not understand.